Product Review: Pump Juice (Liquid Glycerol) - Natty Superstore

Product Review: Pump Juice (Liquid Glycerol) by PANDA Supps
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  (4.7 out of 5)

What is Pump Juice?

Product Review: Pump Juice - Pump Juice by PANDA Supps is a liquid glycerol supplement designed to enhance hydration and provide better muscle pumps during workouts. Glycerol is a highly researched ingredient known for its ability to draw water into the muscles, leading to fuller, more hydrated muscle cells. It is often used in sports supplements to enhance endurance and the aesthetic look of muscles during training. While it’s unflavored, Pump Juice can easily be mixed with other supplements or pre-workout drinks.+

  • Ingredient Profile: Glycerol and AstraGin®.
  • Primary Purpose: Enhance muscle hydration and increase pumps during workouts.
  • Product Type: Liquid glycerol (unflavored) designed to be mixed with other supplements.

In summary, Pump Juice focuses on hydration and muscle fullness by using glycerol, a potent compound that supports water retention in the muscle cells, creating a "pump" effect during exercise. With its straightforward ingredient list, it's a simple yet effective addition to a workout routine for those seeking enhanced muscle performance.+

What does Pump Juice do?

Pump Juice is formulated to improve hydration and promote muscle pumps by increasing the amount of water retained in muscle cells. Glycerol is a well-known hydrating agent that helps maintain fluid balance, especially during long, intense workouts. When used before exercise, this product works to create a visible and physical "pump" by increasing the volume of water that gets absorbed into the muscle tissues. The addition of AstraGin® in this formulation may further enhance nutrient absorption and support overall physical endurance.+

  • Enhances Hydration: Glycerol draws water into the muscle cells, keeping them hydrated during exercise.
  • Increases Muscle Pumps: By increasing water retention in muscles, it helps achieve a fuller and more vascular look.
  • Boosts Nutrient Absorption: AstraGin® aids in the absorption of amino acids and other nutrients, optimizing the overall effectiveness of the supplement.

In summary, Pump Juice delivers hydration benefits, improved muscle pumps, and enhanced nutrient absorption, making it an effective option for athletes or gym-goers who prioritize endurance and muscle fullness during their workouts.+

Where can you buy Pump Juice?

Pump Juice by PANDA Supps is available on Natty SuperStore, along with thousands of other products catering to fitness enthusiasts. While it is not exclusive to Natty SuperStore, the store offers this product at competitive prices, making it a convenient option for those looking to incorporate a powerful glycerol-based supplement into their routine. To buy Pump Juice and get a 15% discount on Natty SuperStore please click here.

Pump Juice Experience

This is a Product Review: Pump Juice so here it what we expierenced. The overall experience with Pump Juice has been positive. It delivers on its promise of providing noticeable muscle pumps and improved hydration during workouts. However, as it comes in a liquid form, it requires a relatively high volume of consumption, which could potentially cause stomach discomfort for some users, especially those who are not accustomed to consuming large quantities of liquid before exercise. Additionally, while it is an excellent hydrating supplement, it is not a comprehensive pump product. Users looking for a more rounded pump pre-workout may need to combine this with other ingredients like citrulline or arginine for the full range of benefits.

Pros of Taking Pump Juice

  1. Enhanced Muscle Hydration: Glycerol ensures that muscles remain hydrated during intense workouts, which can help improve endurance and muscle function.
  2. Improved Muscle Pumps: The increased water retention in the muscle cells leads to visibly fuller and more vascular muscles, which can be a motivator during workouts.
  3. Convenient Liquid Form: As a liquid, Pump Juice can easily be mixed with other supplements or consumed directly, allowing for versatility in its use.

Pump Juice is an excellent choice for those looking to maximize their muscle hydration and pump during training. The liquid glycerol provides fast absorption, making it effective shortly after ingestion.

Cons of Taking Pump Juice

  1. Potential Stomach Discomfort: Due to the volume of liquid required, some users might experience bloating or mild stomach discomfort when consuming Pump Juice before a workout.
  2. High Price Point: While glycerol is effective, the product is priced relatively high for a supplement that focuses solely on hydration and pumps. For some, this may be a drawback, especially since it lacks additional pump-enhancing ingredients like citrulline.
  3. Limited Pump Ingredients: While glycerol is effective for hydration and pumps, it does not provide the same wide-ranging benefits that a more comprehensive pump supplement would offer.

For users who are sensitive to liquid volume or are looking for a more affordable or comprehensive pump formula, these factors could be drawbacks.

Product Review: Pump Juice - Breakdown of Ingredients


Glycerol is a well-known hydrating agent used in many endurance and sports supplements. It works by pulling water into the muscle cells, creating a state of "hyperhydration." This not only improves hydration but also contributes to the muscle fullness or "pump" effect, giving muscles a more voluminous and vascular appearance during workouts.

  • Hydration Benefits: Helps retain water in muscle tissues, enhancing endurance.
  • Pump Effect: Increases the water content in muscles, leading to better blood flow and muscle pump.
  • Endurance Support: Aids in maintaining hydration levels, which can support longer, more intense workouts.

In summary, glycerol in Pump Juice is the primary ingredient responsible for the product's ability to improve muscle hydration and create a pump effect during workouts. It’s particularly useful for endurance athletes or weightlifters aiming to improve their muscular appearance and physical performance.


AstraGin® is a patented blend of highly fractionated Panax notoginseng and Astragalus membranaceus. It is designed to improve the absorption of nutrients, particularly amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. In sports supplements, AstraGin® is often included to enhance the bioavailability of key ingredients, allowing the body to make the most of the nutrients consumed.

  • Improved Nutrient Absorption: Enhances the absorption of essential nutrients like amino acids and proteins, optimizing the effectiveness of the supplement.
  • Endurance Enhancer: By aiding in nutrient uptake, it ensures that muscles receive the necessary building blocks for recovery and growth.
  • Recovery Aid: Assists in faster recovery post-workout by improving the absorption of essential recovery nutrients.

AstraGin® works synergistically with glycerol to not only enhance hydration but also ensure that key nutrients are efficiently absorbed by the body, making the overall supplement more effective.

Summary of Ingredients

The combination of glycerol and AstraGin® makes Pump Juice an effective hydration and endurance supplement. Glycerol's ability to pull water into muscles leads to increased pumps, while AstraGin® enhances nutrient absorption, ensuring that the body makes the most of the amino acids and other nutrients consumed. This duo makes Pump Juice a valuable product for those looking to boost both their workout performance and their overall recovery.


Here is the verdict in Product Review: Pump Juice. Pump Juice by PANDA Supps earns a solid 4.7/5 stars. It excels in delivering impressive muscle pumps and hydration during workouts, making it a reliable addition to any fitness regimen. The only drawbacks are the potential for mild stomach discomfort due to the liquid volume and the relatively high price point for a single-ingredient-focused product. However, if you're seeking a simple and effective pump booster, Pump Juice is a worthwhile investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is glycerol used for in supplements?

Glycerol is used in supplements to enhance hydration, improve endurance, and increase muscle pumps. It works by drawing water into muscle cells, keeping them hydrated and full during intense exercise. An example of this is Pump Juice by PANDA Supps, which uses liquid glycerol to give users a more prominent muscle pump during their workouts. +

How does glycerol help with muscle pumps?

Glycerol helps with muscle pumps by increasing water retention in muscle cells. This creates a "pump" effect, making the muscles look fuller and more vascular. Supplements like Pump Juice capitalize on glycerol’s ability to improve hydration and give athletes a noticeable pump. +

Is liquid glycerol better than powdered glycerol in supplements?

Liquid glycerol, like the one used in Pump Juice by PANDA Supps, is often more effective because it is easier to absorb and delivers faster hydration benefits compared to powdered forms. +

Can glycerol enhance endurance?

Yes, glycerol enhances endurance by improving hydration, which helps athletes sustain longer workouts. For example, Pump Juice not only delivers enhanced muscle pumps but also supports longer, more intense training sessions by keeping muscles hydrated. +

How do I take liquid glycerol supplements?

Liquid glycerol supplements, such as Pump Juice, are typically taken by mixing the liquid into water or another beverage. Since it is unflavored, Pump Juice can easily be added to other pre-workouts or taken alone before your workout. +

Does glycerol cause any side effects?

While glycerol is generally safe, some people might experience bloating or stomach discomfort, especially when taken in large volumes. As mentioned in the Pump Juice Product Review, liquid glycerol products can be tough on the stomach due to the high amount of liquid required. +

How long does it take for glycerol to work?

Glycerol typically starts working within 30 minutes to an hour after consumption. Liquid glycerol supplements like Pump Juice are fast-absorbing, so you can expect to feel the hydration and pump effects fairly quickly. +

Can glycerol improve recovery after exercise?

Glycerol supports recovery by helping maintain hydration levels, reducing the risk of dehydration post-workout. Products like Pump Juice help ensure muscles stay hydrated, which is essential for faster recovery. +

Is glycerol safe for daily use?

Yes, glycerol is generally safe for daily use when taken in recommended amounts. Many users of Pump Juice take it before every workout to benefit from its hydration and pump-enhancing properties. +

What’s the difference between glycerol and citrulline for muscle pumps?

Glycerol increases muscle hydration to give pumps, while citrulline boosts nitric oxide levels to improve blood flow. Pump Juice focuses on glycerol for hydration-based pumps, but it can be combined with citrulline for a more comprehensive pump experience. +

Can I mix glycerol with other supplements?

Yes, glycerol mixes well with other supplements like pre-workouts or BCAAs. For example, Pump Juice is unflavored, making it an easy addition to your pre-workout drink without altering the taste. +

How does glycerol affect hydration?

Glycerol draws water into cells, increasing overall water retention and preventing dehydration during intense workouts. Pump Juice uses this mechanism to keep muscles hydrated and full throughout your training. +

Is liquid glycerol good for cardio workouts?

Liquid glycerol can be very beneficial for cardio workouts because it enhances hydration, which is crucial during long sessions. Pump Juice works well for both resistance training and cardio due to its hydrating properties. +

Can glycerol supplements cause dehydration?

No, glycerol prevents dehydration by drawing water into the cells. However, it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day when using products like Pump Juice to ensure optimal water balance. +

What’s the best time to take glycerol supplements?

The best time to take glycerol supplements like Pump Juice is about 30 minutes before your workout. This allows enough time for the glycerol to be absorbed and start enhancing hydration and pumps. +

Is glycerol good for bodybuilders?

Yes, glycerol is excellent for bodybuilders looking for fuller muscles and better pumps during workouts. Pump Juice is a popular choice among bodybuilders for its ability to increase muscle volume through hydration. +

Does glycerol improve strength?

Glycerol itself does not directly increase strength, but by keeping muscles hydrated and reducing fatigue, it can help you perform better during strength-based exercises. Pump Juice enhances performance by ensuring your muscles stay hydrated. +

How much glycerol should I take per day?

The recommended dosage for glycerol varies, but for products like Pump Juice, follow the instructions provided. Typically, 1-2 servings per day are enough to experience the hydration benefits. +

What’s the difference between glycerol and creatine?

Glycerol helps with hydration and pumps, while creatine helps with energy production and muscle strength. You can use both together, as they complement each other, with glycerol-based products like Pump Juice focusing on hydration and creatine supporting strength. +

Can I take glycerol on non-workout days?

Yes, taking glycerol on non-workout days can help maintain hydration, though it is most effective when taken before exercise. Some users of Pump Juice take it daily to support consistent hydration levels. +

Is glycerol keto-friendly?

Glycerol is often considered keto-friendly as it does not significantly impact blood sugar levels. Pump Juice, being a glycerol-based product, is generally suitable for those on a ketogenic diet. +

How does glycerol affect water weight?

Glycerol increases water retention in muscles, giving you a fuller look. While this isn’t the same as bloating, it does increase water weight in the form of muscle hydration. Pump Juice helps create this effect, giving muscles a pumped appearance. +

Can glycerol help with fat loss?

Glycerol does not directly aid fat loss, but by improving endurance and workout performance, it can indirectly support fat-burning efforts. For example, Pump Juice improves hydration, allowing you to push harder in your workouts. +

Is glycerol good for endurance athletes?

Yes, glycerol is commonly used by endurance athletes to improve hydration during long training sessions or competitions. Pump Juice can be a great addition to an endurance athlete’s supplement stack. +

Does glycerol cause bloating?

Glycerol generally does not cause bloating unless taken in excessive amounts. However, large volumes of liquid can cause stomach discomfort for some individuals, as mentioned in the Pump Juice Product Review. It’s always important to follow the dosing instructions to minimize any potential side effects. +

Can glycerol replace electrolytes?

While glycerol helps with hydration, it does not replace electrolytes. It works best when used alongside electrolyte supplements. You can mix Pump Juice with an electrolyte product for optimal hydration. +

Can you take glycerol before bed?

Glycerol is typically taken before workouts, but it’s generally safe to take at any time of the day. If you take Pump Juice at night, make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated overnight. +

How does glycerol compare to water alone for hydration?

Glycerol is more effective than water alone for hydration because it helps retain the water inside muscle cells, prolonging hydration effects. Pump Juice is designed to maximize water retention, giving better hydration than just water. +

What makes liquid glycerol more effective than drinking more water?

While drinking water is essential, glycerol increases the water retention inside muscle cells, preventing quick dehydration. Pump Juice, with its liquid glycerol formula, provides a longer-lasting hydration effect than water alone. +

Can glycerol be used for weightlifting?

Yes, glycerol is great for weightlifting because it keeps muscles hydrated, reducing fatigue and improving endurance during heavy lifts. Pump Juice is a fantastic option for lifters seeking better pumps and hydration during their sessions. +

Can glycerol cause muscle cramps?

Glycerol does not typically cause muscle cramps and actually helps prevent them by keeping muscles hydrated. However, if you don’t drink enough water alongside it, cramps could occur. Always ensure you’re hydrated when using products like Pump Juice. +


Here are a few references used to write the Product Review: Pump Juice

AstraginBest pump only pre-workoutsEnduranceHydrationLiquid glycerolMuscle pumpMuscle pumpsPanda suppsPumpPump juice

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