Turkesterone 650™

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Turkesterone 650™

Hi-Tech Turkesterone 650 consists of turkesterone and other ecdysterones in a highly concentrated form. Ecdysterones are sterols, which occur naturally in all plant and animal life. Turkesterone 650 enhances muscle uptake of leucine and other amino acids. By enhancing muscle protein synthesis, Turkesterone 650 can increase muscle repair and growth.  

What Does Turkesterone Do?

  • Enhances the mass of lean muscle
  • Protein Synthesis is Increased
  • Muscle repair is increased
  • Muscle breakdown is prevented
  • Strengthening of muscles
  • Maintains an anabolic state in the body
  • Maintains hard-earned muscle
  • This signals the muscles to take up more amino acids from the blood
  • Reduces muscle wasting
  • Creates a protein-saving metabolism

The secret of Turkesterone and Ecdysteroids has been known to Russian Olympians for decades. Ecdystroid was Hi-Tech's first product in the 1990's and it has remained at the forefront of extraction technology and obtaining superior raw materials ever since. Hi-Tech’s R&D department has tested several Turkesterone products, and most contain little to no Turkesterone. Turkesterone 650 by Hi-Tech is standardized to 10% Turkesterone and 50% Total Ecdysteroids (drug to extract ratio 50:1) (equal to 32.5 grams of whole plant). The effect of Turkesterone 650 on lean muscle mass and protein synthesis has been demonstrated. Using Turkesterone 650 will keep your body in an anabolic state for more muscle growth and strength. 

Muscle proteins are anabolic, anti-catabolic, anti-proteolytic, and protein-sparing. Anabolic compounds are defined in the bodybuilding community as those that increase amino acid absorption and protein synthesis. Furthermore, anti-catabolic, or antiproteolytic compounds decrease amino acid shuttling out of muscles (also called protein-sparing compounds). It doesn't matter whether amino acids are gained within muscle due to increased amino acid influx and enhanced protein synthesis, or whether amino acids are conserved or both, the intramuscular environment is anabolic. For bodybuilders, this is very positive news.

Turkesterone 650 is the most important advance in protein synthesis and anabolism in decades. This is one of the most potent plant steroids ever introduced to the market by Hi-Tech. Plant steroids are not very bioavailable, and results seen in the lab rarely translate to the real world. Using Hi-Tech's Cyclosome Technology, this hurdle is overcome and bioavailability is dramatically increased. A natural steroidal anabolic and anti-proteolytic formulation, Turkesterone 650 promotes protein synthesis, enhances strength, and enhances athletic performance.

Can Turkesterone be considered a steroid?

Turkesterone is a phytosteroid, an analog of the insect steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone. 

Does Turkesterone come from natural sources?

There is no doubt that Turkesterone is natural. A natural hormonal steroid found in plants and insects, Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid. Currently, Turkesterone is considered one of the strongest natural supplements for fat loss and muscle growth. 

What is the dosage of Turkesterone?

Turkesterone should be taken twice a day. Turkesterone 650 should be taken with food. In a 24-hour period, do not exceed 4 tablets. 

Is Turkesterone compatible with other supplements?

In addition to Turkesterone, any of Hi-Tech's ProHormones, Tongkat Ali, or Epicatechin supplements would stack well with it. We recommend stacking Turkesterone 650 with the following products.

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