Product Review: Arimistane - Powerful Estrogen Blocker - Natty Superstore

Product Review: Arimistane - Powerful Estrogen Blocker by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals


What is Arimistane®?

Arimistane® (Androsta-3,5-dien-7,17-dione) is a powerful estrogen blocker developed by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. It is a metabolite of 7-Keto DHEA and functions as a suicide aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds permanently to the aromatase enzyme and prevents any estrogen rebound. Arimistane® has been shown to decrease cortisol, increase LH (luteinizing hormone), and elevate testosterone levels.+

  • Does not convert into estrogen or testosterone+
  • Acts as a suicide aromatase inhibitor (AI)+
  • Decreases cortisol, increases LH, and boosts testosterone levels+

In summary, Arimistane® effectively blocks estrogen production and promotes higher testosterone levels, making it a valuable supplement for those looking to enhance their hormonal balance and physical performance.+

What does Arimistane® do?

Arimistane® works by reducing the number of androgens that can be converted into estrogen. This results in lower circulating estrogen levels, increased testosterone, and various other benefits such as improved muscle mass, reduced fat storage, and enhanced libido.+

  • Reduces the number of androgens convertible into estrogen+
  • Lowers circulating estrogen levels+
  • Increases testosterone, muscle mass, and libido+

In summary, Arimistane® offers multiple benefits by decreasing estrogen and cortisol levels, increasing testosterone and LH, and enhancing physical and sexual performance.+

Where can you buy Arimistane®?

This product, along with thousands more, is available on Natty SuperStore. However, due to ongoing litigation, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is currently the only company allowed to make Arimistane®.+

Arimistane® Experience

Our experience with Arimistane® has been overwhelmingly positive. Users report significant improvements in testosterone levels, muscle mass, and overall physical performance.+

  • Solid+
  • Quality+
  • Effective+

In summary, Arimistane® has proven to be a reliable and effective estrogen blocker, providing users with noticeable benefits in a short period.+

Pros of Taking Arimistane®

  • Blocks cortisol and estrogen: Helps in maintaining a favorable hormonal balance.+
  • Enhances testosterone production: Leads to increased muscle mass and strength.+
  • Increases natural myotropic state: Promotes better muscle growth and recovery.+

In summary, Arimistane® offers several advantages, including hormonal balance, enhanced muscle growth, and better recovery.+

Cons of Taking Arimistane®

  • Availability issues: Difficult to import in some countries.+
  • Potential for side effects: As with any supplement, there is a risk of adverse effects.+
  • Need for medical consultation: Always advisable to consult a doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.+

In summary, while Arimistane® has numerous benefits, its availability and potential side effects should be considered.+

Breakdown of Ingredients

Androsta-3,5-dien-7,17-dione (as Arimistane®)

Arimistane® is a potent aromatase inhibitor that helps reduce estrogen levels in the body. It works by binding permanently to the aromatase enzyme, preventing the conversion of androgens into estrogen.+

  • Permanent binding to aromatase enzyme: Ensures no estrogen rebound.+
  • Reduces estrogen levels: Leads to higher testosterone levels.+
  • Boosts LH and testosterone: Enhances muscle growth and libido.+

In summary, Arimistane® effectively lowers estrogen levels, increases testosterone, and supports overall hormonal balance.+


Arimistane® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is a powerful estrogen blocker designed to decrease estrogen levels, boost testosterone, and enhance physical performance. It acts as a suicide aromatase inhibitor, permanently binding to the aromatase enzyme and preventing estrogen rebound. With benefits including increased muscle mass, reduced fat storage, and improved libido, Arimistane® is a valuable supplement for those looking to optimize their hormonal balance. Despite its many advantages, availability issues and the potential for side effects should be considered.+

Best PCT Products to Take with Arimistane® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

Product Review: Arimistane - Powerful Estrogen Blocker - When incorporating Arimistane® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals into your post-cycle therapy (PCT) regimen, using it alongside other high-quality PCT products can significantly enhance your recovery and overall results. Here are three top-notch PCT products that work well with Arimistane®:

Cannibal Alpha PCT® by Chaos and Pain®

Cannibal Alpha PCT® by Chaos and Pain® is a robust PCT supplement designed to support hormonal balance and recovery after a steroid cycle. This product helps restore natural testosterone levels, reduce estrogen, and improve overall male health. Users of Cannibal Alpha PCT® report enhanced recovery and a smoother transition to natural hormonal balance, making it an excellent choice to use alongside Arimistane®.

Arimiplex® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals®

Arimiplex® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals® is another highly effective PCT product. It is formulated to address multiple aspects of post-cycle recovery, ensuring a smooth transition back to natural hormonal balance. Arimiplex® helps manage estrogen levels, support liver health, and promote overall well-being, making it a perfect complement to Arimistane®. This combination ensures a comprehensive approach to PCT, maximizing the benefits of both products.

SIGMA by Gorilla Mind®

SIGMA by Gorilla Mind® is a well-rounded PCT supplement designed to support testosterone production, reduce estrogen levels, and improve overall recovery after a steroid cycle. SIGMA users experience better hormonal balance, enhanced recovery, and improved overall health. Combining SIGMA with Arimistane® can provide a powerful PCT regimen that promotes optimal recovery and hormonal regulation.


Using Arimistane® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals in combination with one of these top PCT products—Cannibal Alpha PCT®, Arimiplex®, or SIGMA—can significantly enhance your post-cycle recovery. Each of these PCT supplements offers unique benefits that complement Arimistane®, ensuring a comprehensive approach to restoring natural hormonal balance and supporting overall health. By integrating these products into your PCT regimen, you can maximize your recovery and achieve the best possible results.



Arimistane® is a highly effective estrogen blocker that offers numerous benefits for those looking to enhance their hormonal balance and physical performance. Its ability to permanently bind to the aromatase enzyme and prevent estrogen rebound makes it a standout product in its category. However, availability issues may pose a challenge for some users. Overall, Arimistane® receives a strong 4.9 out of 5 stars.+

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most frequently asked questions about Arimistane, and this is the Product Review: Arimistane - Powerful Estrogen Blocker.

What is Arimistane by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals made from?

Arimistane by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is made from Androsta-3,5-dien-7,17-dione. This compound acts as a potent aromatase inhibitor, helping to block the conversion of androgens into estrogen. This specific formulation ensures high purity and effectiveness.

Is Arimistane a bodybuilding supplement?

Yes, Arimistane is a popular supplement among bodybuilders. It helps in reducing estrogen levels, thereby promoting increased testosterone levels, muscle mass, and overall physical performance.

What are the side effects of Arimistane by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals?

While Arimistane is generally well-tolerated, potential side effects may include:

  • Mild headache
  • Joint discomfort
  • Mood swings

It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Does Arimistane help with weight loss?

Arimistane can aid in weight loss indirectly. By increasing testosterone levels and reducing estrogen, it helps promote a leaner body composition, increased muscle mass, and reduced fat storage.

Does Arimistane help reduce man boobs?

Yes, Arimistane can help reduce gynecomastia (man boobs) by lowering estrogen levels, which is often the cause of this condition. It prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, thereby reducing the chances of developing gynecomastia.

Is Arimistane a steroid?

No, Arimistane by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is not a steroid. It is an aromatase inhibitor, which helps in blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, thereby promoting higher testosterone levels without the anabolic effects of steroids.

Can you take Arimistane by itself?

Yes, Arimistane can be taken by itself. It is designed to be effective on its own in reducing estrogen levels and boosting testosterone. However, it can also be stacked with other supplements or used as part of a post-cycle therapy (PCT) regimen.

Arimistane vs Arimiplex?

Arimistane and Arimiplex are both designed to manage estrogen levels, but they differ in formulation and specific use cases. Arimistane is a potent aromatase inhibitor, while Arimiplex may have a broader range of ingredients targeting overall hormonal balance. The choice between them depends on individual goals and specific needs.

What is the best anti-estrogen Arimistane?

The best anti-estrogen Arimistane is the product developed by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. It has a high purity level and uses advanced Cyclosome® technology for enhanced bioavailability, making it more effective than generic versions.

What are the main side effects of using Arimistane by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals?

The main side effects of Arimistane by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals may include:

  • Mild headache
  • Joint discomfort
  • Mood swings

Consulting a healthcare professional is recommended before starting any new supplement.

Should you use Arimistane for Gyno?

Yes, Arimistane can be used for gynecomastia. Its estrogen-blocking properties make it effective in reducing the symptoms of gynecomastia by preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Does Arimistane cause Acne?

While not a common side effect, some users may experience acne due to hormonal changes induced by increased testosterone levels. However, this varies among individuals.

Is Arimistane a good cortisol blocker?

Yes, Arimistane is known to help block cortisol, which can benefit those looking to manage stress levels and improve muscle recovery.

Is Arimistane a PCT product?

Arimistane can be used as a PCT product due to its ability to reduce estrogen levels and support testosterone production, helping the body recover hormonal balance after a steroid cycle.

Can you stack Arimistane with PCT products?

Yes, Arimistane can be stacked with other PCT products. This combination can enhance the overall effectiveness of post-cycle therapy by providing comprehensive support for hormonal balance and recovery.

Arimistane vs Aromasin?

Both Arimistane and Aromasin are aromatase inhibitors, but they differ in their chemical structure and specific use cases. Arimistane is a non-steroidal AI, while Aromasin (exemestane) is a steroidal AI. The choice between them depends on individual needs and specific goals.

Is Arimistane for only bodybuilders?

No, while Arimistane is popular among bodybuilders, it can be beneficial for anyone looking to manage their estrogen levels and improve testosterone levels. This includes athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals seeking hormonal balance.


  1. Hong, Y., Chen, S., & Hilsenbeck, S. (2014). Aromatase inhibitors: Mechanisms of resistance and their clinical implications. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Retrieved from Aromatase Inhibitors and Their Effects

  2. Chaos and Pain. (n.d.). Cannibal Alpha PCT®. Retrieved from Chaos and Pain Cannibal Alpha PCT®

  3. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2022). Aromatase inhibitors: Treatment for breast cancer. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Aromatase Inhibitors and Their Effects
ArimistaneAromatase inhibitorCortisol reductionEstrogen blockerFat storage reductionHi tech pharmaceuticalsHormonal balaneLibido enhancementMuscle growthTestosterone booster

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